Brand Awareness Strategy – Why Is It Important?

Think of a brand off the top of your head. What comes to mind? Apple? Google? Target? What do all these companies have in common? They all have a branding strategy that creates brand awareness that has you thinking about them right now.

Why is branding important?

When you head out to grab some toothpaste, Target (Expect More. Pay Less.), CVS (Health is everything), and Wal-Mart (Save Money. Live Better.) all hope you’ll choose to but it at one of their stores—and pick up a number of other things while you’re at it! So where will you go? If you’re a health fanatic, you may head to CVS. Perhaps you like the fact that the chain removed cigarettes from their stores in 2014—a move that aligns with your thoughts on health and wellness. Maybe you’re a dog lover and enjoy the ads with Bullseye the bull terrier. The point is for most people these brands elicit a feeling—good or bad— that helps you decide where to spend your hard-earned money. When companies invest in branding design, the goal is to appeal to their prospective customer base, to entice new customers, and retain the ones they already have.

So You Understand the Need for a Brand Awareness Strategy. Now What?

At NAVEO we work with a lot of B2B companies and industrial clients who have complicated infrastructures with numerous divisions and manufacturing facilities. Often a unifying message is needed to tie a company’s diverse activities together. Our process involves a lot of listening, brainstorming, and coordinating key decision-makers. Our designers, developers, and writers strategize to come up with a plan and timeline. Building visibility, increasing engagement, and generating conversions involves creating a core message that unites the website content, use of social media, blogs, videos, email, and more. We’ll discuss your mission and vision to create a brand identity that reflects who you are now and helps you evolve to where you want to go.

How Can NAVEO Help You Achieve your Goals?

As a brand strategy agency, we’ve answered the question of why is branding important many times over the years. If you need assistance answering that question or don’t have a brand identity, contact us. We’d love to assist you.

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